Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fox vs. CNN

Complaints about bias in major network news coverage are always around. Many Democrats detest Fox and write it off as unobjective hogwash, and Republicans respond by saying "Sure - give us every other news station - the liberal CBS, ABC, NBC, CNBC, CNN, BBC - oh, and all your liberal rags too, and we'll call it even."

Aside from the editorial programs, however, I didn't see much difference - at least today, where coverage of the Iowa debates was on every station. On CNN's "The Situation Room," the focus was on Obama and Hillary being tied for first in the state for Democrats, and Huckabee was described as being the front-runner in the state against Romney. Huckabee's comments on Mormanism, which will appear in the NY Times in their Sunday magazine, were discussed, and opinions were laid thick during the Cafferty File.

Back on Fox, discussion was also focused on the debates. The same issues were covered. While the opinionated bias of the Cafferty File was not mirrored and no real complaints were aired about the Democrats, Fox chose not to focus on them at all so there wasn't much opportunity for criticism. Overall there was slight bias on both sides, but nothing that didn't balance itself out. Now, if there were more channels like Fox, perhaps there would be greater balance overall.